State of Connecticut Web Site Accessibility Committee ConneCT - Your Key to Accessibility

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Meeting Announcements and Minutes (2002)

The State of Connecticut Web Site Accessibility Committee normally meets on the second Monday of every month at 1:30 p.m.  The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 12, 2002, at 1:30 p.m. The location is the Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities, 60B Weston Street, Hartford, Connecticut.  Please follow this link for directions:

September 9, 2002



Once again Committee has been offered the opportunity to have a booth at this year's Total Technology Fair and we've accepted the offer. The Total Technology Fair is hosted by the Connecticut Tech Act Project. The fair will be at the Connecticut Expo Center in Hartford on Tuesday, October 22, 2002, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

We still have a few openings for volunteer staffing for this year's booth during the afternoon shifts - especially from 12-2:30 and 2:15-4:45 p.m. Thanks to those of you who have already volunteered!

If you can participate for a few hours that day, and/or if you have any ideas for presentations, workshops, demos, etc. please contact

Request by DOIT for the committee to pre-review state agency requests for consulting services to bring web sites into compliance with the state policy - the committee agreed to do this.

Beta Test of HiSoftware Web Based Accessibility Testing Tool - 2 web accounts have been set up for testing web pages in "" domain. One tests for WCAG Priority 1 and Priority 2 guidelines, the other test for Section 508 compliance. If you would like to participate in the beta test, please send an email to:

August 12, 2002


Monday, July 8, 2002


June 10, 2002



  1. Watchfire presentation:
  2. Discuss proposed changes to: Six Steps to Accessibility Certification and  the Web Site Certification Checklist, to add the use of Home Page Reader as an additional screen reader that can be used for testing.
  3. Plan a presentation to be given at the ADA Celebration being presented by the ADA Coalition on Saturday, July 27, 2002 at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford.

May 13, 2002



The State of Connecticut Accessibility Committee has been invited to attend "The Americans with Disabilities Act: 12 Years of Progress"; a conference being presented by the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities and the State Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities.  The conference is Thursday, June 6, 2002 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Old Judiciary Room at the State Capitol in Hartford, Connecticut.

It was agreed that the CMAC Accessibility brochure, which was first printed in 2000, should be brought up-to-date and reprinted, for distribution at the conference.  Kathleen and Anita will work on this.

On May 9, 2002 the Department of Information Technology sent a notice to IT Consultants requiring that they receive Web Site Accessibility training offered through the State of Connecticut and that only those Consultants trained by the State will be authorized to work in the categories listed in the notice. The deadline for training is July 1, 2002.

A discussion was held on the best way to make the State's Accessibility initiative a higher priority for those agencies that still have not made their web sites compliant with the state policy. Kathleen requested that follow up phone calls be completed by Friday, May 24, 2002.


April 15, 2002



Web-based demonstration of AccMonitor & AccRepair

Save this date on your calendar: October 22, 2002 - our Committee has been asked by the Connecticut Tech Act Project to participate in Total Technology 2002, Connecticut's Premier Assistive Technology Trade Fair, at the Connecticut Expo Center in Hartford.

Final discussion and approval of draft email to be sent to state agency and branch webmasters; follow-up phone call assignments to committee members.

March 11, 2002


February 11, 2002



January 14, 2002

The CMAC Web Site Accessibility Committee normally meets on the second Monday of every month at 1:30 p.m.  The next meeting will be January 14, 2002, at 1:30 p.m. The location is the Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities, 60B Weston Street, Hartford, Connecticut.  Follow this link for directions:

Meeting Announcements and Minutes from other years

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